Speech Therapy NYC

Serving Manhattan

(646) 525-4817


Expressive and Receptive Language Delays

Expressive Language

What is an expressive language disorder?

Expressive language includes the verbal skills required in order to communicate one’s thoughts and feelings to others.  An expressive language disorder can be characterized as difficulty with verbal expression.

Is my child showing signs of an expressive language disorder?

Some signs and symptoms of an expressive language disorder include:

  • Difficulty expressing daily wants and needs intelligently.
  • Difficulty expressing emotions, thoughts and ideas.
  • Difficulty expressing past, present and future experiences in a coherent age-appropriate manner.
  • Difficulty implementing proper pronouns, opposites, prepositional phrase, tense structures and age-appropriate vocabulary, such as colors, shape and sizes.
  • Vocal quality and tone.
  • Dysfluency/Stuttering.


Receptive Language

What is a receptive language disorder?

Receptive language includes the skills involved in understanding language.  Receptive language disorders are difficulties in the ability to attend to, process, comprehend and/or retain spoken language.

Is my child showing signs of a receptive language disorder?

Some early signs and symptoms of a receptive language disorder include:

  • Difficulty following directions.
  • Difficulty remaining on task.
  • Difficulty completing age-appropriate language tasks.
  • Difficulty remaining seated and attentive.
  • Difficulty responding appropriately to simple questions.